Mindful ResilienceĀ 

Tools for Post-Breast Cancer Wellness Blog

Breathe Your Way to Calm through Breast Cancer: How Paced Breathing Can Transform Your Anxiety relaxing breating techniques Aug 21, 2024

Let’s talk about something we all face at some point: anxiety. When I was first diagnosed with breast cancer, anxiety became an almost constant companion. My breath was shallow and...

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Finding Faith in Your Purpose: The Key to Unlocking Opportunities for Breast Cancer Survivors and Thrivers purpose & direction after bc Aug 18, 2024

Let’s get real—life can throw some serious curveballs, especially after going through something as life-changing as breast cancer. It’s tough, and holding onto a sense of purpose...

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How to Roll with Lifeā€™s Curveballs and Come Out Stronger breast cancer breast cancer recovery empowerment Aug 12, 2024

Alright, my beautiful warriors—let’s talk about one thing we all know too well: life throws us curveballs. It doesn’t matter who you are or where you’ve been; change is a...

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My Why: How I Came To Do This Work about linda dyson Aug 09, 2024

If you've ever felt like life has knocked you down so hard that getting back up seems impossible, I can relate. In 2020, my life was turned upside down when I was diagnosed with breast cancer. I...

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Simple Ways to Discover Your Purpose in Life: What I Learned From "Undercover Billionaire" Aug 08, 2024

Life is a journey filled with ups and downs, but having a purpose can make that journey more meaningful and fulfilling. Knowing what you’re working towards brings clarity, making decisions...

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Patience! How To Approach Goal Setting as a Breast Cancer Survivor goal setting mindset Aug 05, 2024


Hey there, friends! Linda Dyson here. As a mom, grandmother, entrepreneur, and breast cancer survivor, I understand how our lives can shift dramatically after a diagnosis. Before breast...

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Breaking Free: Top 10 Ways to Overcome Fear and Self-Doubt After Breast Cancer fear minsdet self0doubt Jul 25, 2024

Let’s talk about something we’ve all faced: fear and self-doubt. These feelings can be incredibly overwhelming, especially when you’re navigating the journey of life after a...

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Top 10 Fears Through Breast Cancer (and What To Do About Them!) fear overcoming obstacles Jul 22, 2024

Navigating Fear as a Breast Cancer Survivor: 5 Easy Steps to Embrace Strength

Hey there, friends! Linda Dyson here. I get how fear can be a constant companion on this journey. We face so many...

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Journal-Away Your Fears! fear journaling mindfulness Jul 17, 2024

Hey there, friends! Linda Dyson here. As a mom, grandmother, entrepreneur, and breast cancer survivor, I know firsthand how overwhelming the challenges we face can be. But I’ve found an...

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Embrace Your Springtime through Breast Cancer: Living, Thinking, and Blossoming All Year Round journaling mindfulness mindset Jul 14, 2024

This is my time to bloom through breast cancer, no matter the season. I embrace growth and change, stepping into the spotlight to be noticed and celebrated. Just like the renewal of spring, I am...

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Navigating Lifeā€™s Challenges Through Breast Cancer With Your Journal overcoming obstacles Jul 08, 2024

Hey there, friends! Linda Dyson here.

As a mom, grandmother, entrepreneur - and breast cancer survivor, I know firsthand how overwhelming the challenges we face can be. But I’ve found...

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What If the Painful Experience with Breast Cancer Is an Opportunity for Transformational Growth? overcoming obstacles Jul 05, 2024

Linda Dyson here, and today I want to have a heart-to-heart with my fellow breast cancer survivors and thrivers. We've been through a lot, and I know firsthand how tough those challenges can be....

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