Mindful Resilience 

Tools for Post-Breast Cancer Wellness Blog

My Why: How I Came To Do This Work

about linda dyson Aug 09, 2024
Linda Dyson, Breast Cancer Coach

If you've ever felt like life has knocked you down so hard that getting back up seems impossible, I can relate. In 2020, my life was turned upside down when I was diagnosed with breast cancer. I was a mother, grandmother, wife, and successful corporate professional. I had spent years climbing the ladder, building a life I was proud of, but suddenly, everything I knew was put on hold as I faced the battle of my life.

The diagnosis was a crushing blow, but what followed was even harder. The surgeries, the treatments, the endless doctor appointments—it all took a toll on my body and my spirit. I found myself in a dark place, struggling with the fear, the uncertainty, and the loss of control. I was exhausted, physically and emotionally, and I felt completely disconnected from the life I had worked so hard to build.

The lowest point came after my treatment ended. I was cancer-free, but I didn’t feel free. I felt lost. I had survived, but I didn’t know how to live anymore. I was stuck, overwhelmed by the pressure to return to "normal," to be the same person I was before cancer. But I wasn’t that person anymore, and I realized I couldn’t go back to who I used to be.

Then, something changed. I remember one day, sitting in a quiet room, trying to meditate—something I had never really done before. As I sat there, a thought came to me: "What if this is my chance to rebuild, not just recover? What if I could create a life that truly aligns with who I am now?" That was my turning point.

I started studying everything I could about personal growth, mindfulness, and healing. I enrolled in coaching programs with Tony Robbins, Cloe Madanes, and Mindvalley. I devoured books, attended seminars, and immersed myself in learning how to not just survive, but thrive. I began to see that the experience of breast cancer had stripped away all the non-essentials, revealing what truly mattered to me—my values, my purpose, and my desire to help others.

From that moment on, I made it my mission to help other breast cancer survivors and thrivers reclaim their lives, just as I had. I founded my coaching practice, where I combined the best research and personal performance tools to guide women through their journeys of healing and transformation. My approach was firm yet nurturing because I knew what it took to rebuild from the ground up. I helped my clients experience post-traumatic growth and push past the limits of fear, people-pleasing, and unhealthy boundaries to create lives that were authentic, powerful, and aligned with their deepest values.

And the ripple effect? It’s been incredible. Women who once felt broken and defeated are now standing tall, confident, and empowered. They’ve rediscovered their purpose, rebuilt their careers, and created lives they love. The impact goes beyond the individual—families are stronger, communities are more connected, and the world is better because these women live fully and authentically.

Every time I see a client make that breakthrough, when they realize they’re not just surviving but thriving, I’m reminded of that quiet moment of meditation. What started as a personal recovery journey has become a movement of transformation. And that, to me, is the ultimate victory.