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Simple Ways to Discover Your Purpose in Life: What I Learned From "Undercover Billionaire"

Aug 08, 2024

Life is a journey filled with ups and downs, but having a purpose can make that journey more meaningful and fulfilling. Knowing what you’re working towards brings clarity, making decisions easier and creating a sense of peace. If you’ve never considered your purpose, it’s not too late. Every day spent living your purpose is a day well-lived. Here are some steps to help you discover your purpose:

1. Believe in Your Purpose

The first step is to believe that you have a meaningful purpose. If you think life has no meaning and that you have no purpose, you’ll never find it. Be positive and confident that you have a purpose waiting to be discovered.

2. Know Your Values

Your values are key indicators of your purpose. If your most important values are contribution, kindness, and honesty, your purpose will be different than if your values are success, popularity, and money. Make a list of your values and prioritize them according to what’s most important to you.

3. Identify What Gives You Energy

Ask yourself these questions:

  • What activities give you the most energy?
  • What do you love to talk and learn about?
  • What do you love to do that makes hours fly by?
  • What makes you feel alive and excited?

4. Reflect on What and Whom You Admire

Think about the achievements and qualities you admire in others. Is it building a successful business? Mental toughness? Contribution? Who do you admire the most and why? This reflection can provide significant clues to your purpose.

5. Consider Your Legacy

Imagine you’re reflecting on the legacy you want to leave behind. What are you likely to regret? What would make you happy about the life you’ve lived? What would make you feel the most regret? Now is the time to create and live a life that will maximize your happiness and minimize your regret.

6. Describe Your Ideal Life

What is your ideal life? What would your ideal day look like? Your purpose in life will align with your ideal life. Knowing one can help you understand the other.

7. Recall When You Were the Happiest

Think back on your life and identify when you were the happiest. How can you use this information to find your purpose? These moments of happiness are significant clues.

8. Identify What Makes You Cry

Is it watching someone overcome great adversity? Is it seeing a touching commercial? Anything that brings about strong emotions can provide insight into your purpose.

9. Reflect on What Feels Most Relevant to You

Read this list and see which resonates the most:

  • Maximizing the happiness of others
  • Minimizing the pain and discomfort of others
  • Maximizing your expertise in a particular skill or field
  • Maximizing your experiences
  • Maximizing your resources
  • Being famous

Which of these feels the best to you? Focus on what feels genuinely good, not what sounds proper or ethical. This feeling is a huge clue about the nature of your purpose.

If you don’t know your purpose in life, now is the time to figure it out. The recent pandemic has reminded us that life is short. Why live another day without a well-defined direction? This is a great opportunity to reorient your life and priorities.

Discover your purpose today. Your life can be different, and it starts with believing that you have a purpose and taking steps to uncover it.

Linda's Story: Finding Purpose Amidst the Storm

I remember a time when I felt completely lost. It was shortly after my breast cancer diagnosis. I felt like my identity had been stripped away, not just by the illness but by the demands and expectations of those around me. I was overwhelmed, feeling like I had no direction or purpose anymore. The person I once was seemed to have vanished, and I was left adrift in a sea of uncertainty.

During one particularly tough night, I stumbled upon a show called Undercover Billionaire. As I watched, I was struck by the stories of these billionaires who had built their fortunes from the ground up. Each of them had faced incredible obstacles, yet they persevered. They had a common thread running through their stories—an unwavering connection to their purpose, a dedication to building relationships, and a relentless focus on execution despite the odds.

I was particularly moved by the journey of Glenn Stearns. Watching him navigate his way through challenges, creating meaningful connections, and staying true to his purpose, even when the going got tough, was like a revelation. It dawned on me that the key to their success wasn't just their business acumen but their deep sense of purpose. They knew why they were doing what they were doing, and that kept them going even in the darkest of times.

This realization was a turning point for me. I began to see that my journey with breast cancer, though incredibly challenging, could also be a path to rediscovering my own purpose. I started to reflect on my values, what gave me energy, and what truly made me happy. I reached out to other breast cancer survivors and thrivers, sharing our stories and finding strength in our shared experiences. I found that helping others navigate their own journeys gave me a profound sense of fulfillment.

Through this process, I discovered that my purpose was to support and uplift others, to be a source of encouragement and strength for those going through similar struggles. It wasn't just about surviving breast cancer; it was about thriving and helping others do the same.

If you’re feeling lost or uncertain about your purpose, I encourage you to take the steps outlined above. Believe that you have a meaningful purpose, reflect on your values, and connect with what gives you energy and joy. Your purpose is waiting to be discovered, and once you find it, it will guide you through even the toughest times.