Mindful Resilience 

Tools for Post-Breast Cancer Wellness Blog

The Hero’s Journey: Conquering Big Tasks as a Breast Cancer Survivor & Thriver

Sep 19, 2024

Introduction: The Call to Adventure

Every breast cancer survivor and thriver knows the feeling of facing an impossible challenge. From the moment you received the diagnosis, your life transformed. You were thrown into an unexpected journey, forced to navigate unknown terrain with only your inner strength to guide you. But as with any hero’s journey, the hardest battles lead to the most powerful transformations.

Now, as you step into the next phase of your life, you may face new challenges— rebuilding your life, tackling a big project, or pursuing dreams that once seemed impossible. These tasks can feel overwhelming, but let me remind you: you’ve already proven you can rise to any challenge. This next journey is yours to conquer. Let’s break it down, step by step, using the wisdom of the hero’s journey to guide you.

Step 1: Answering the Call—Facing the Big Task Ahead

In the hero’s journey, there comes a moment when you realize you can no longer ignore the challenge in front of you. You’ve been called to face it head-on. For breast cancer survivors, this could mean rebuilding your life, starting a new career, or even taking on personal goals that once felt out of reach. The task may seem like a mountain, but here’s where your journey begins.

  • What to do: Break your big task into smaller, manageable pieces. Just as no hero conquers the entire quest in one swoop, you can start by tackling one step at a time.
  • Action Step: Write down each little step you need to take. The smaller the better. Think of this as preparing for the journey ahead—gathering your tools and setting out on the path.

By breaking it down, you reduce overwhelm and build momentum, knowing each step is one closer to the end of the journey.

Step 2: Crossing the Threshold—Committing to the Journey

Once you’ve answered the call, the next step is crossing the threshold. This is when you commit to taking action. You might feel fear or uncertainty, but this is where the transformation truly begins. For you, this might mean setting aside dedicated time to focus on your task—no distractions, no turning back.

  • What to do: Time blocking. Just as the hero leaves behind the familiar world, you need to create focused time for yourself to dive deep into your work.
  • Action Step: Block out 1-2 hours of time, free of distractions, to work on your task. Use the Pomodoro Technique to break the work into chunks: 25 minutes of focused effort, followed by a 5-minute break. This keeps you engaged, and moving forward, without feeling burned out.

By crossing this threshold, you’re committing to your journey, knowing that every block of time brings you closer to victory.

Step 3: The Road of Trials—Facing Challenges and Finding Allies

In every hero’s journey, there are trials that test your will. There will be moments when the task feels too big, the road too long. This is where you’ll face your inner battles—doubt, fatigue, or even the temptation to give up. But remember, the hero never travels alone.

  • What to do: Start with small wins. Just like a hero finds allies or tools along the way, you can lean on quick wins to build momentum and gather strength.
  • Action Step: Tackle the easiest, simplest parts of your task first. Each small victory is like picking up a new tool or skill that makes the next challenge a little easier. Celebrate these wins—no matter how small they seem!

As you conquer each trial, you’ll find yourself becoming stronger, more confident, and better equipped to handle the bigger challenges ahead.

Step 4: The Reward—Celebrating the Wins Along the Way

Every hero reaches a point where they’ve earned a reward—whether it’s a new power, wisdom, or a moment of triumph. On your journey, it’s important to celebrate these milestones. You’ve already overcome so much. Treat every step of progress as a victory worthy of celebration.

  • What to do: Set mini-deadlines and rewards. Just like the hero stops to rest and enjoy small victories before the final challenge, you can create rewards that motivate you to keep going.
  • Action Step: Break your task into milestones and set a reward for each. Maybe it’s a small treat, a break to watch your favorite show, or a night off with friends. Share your progress with someone who can cheer you on!

By celebrating the journey, you remind yourself that you are capable, strong, and resilient. These moments of celebration keep your motivation high as you move toward the ultimate goal.

Step 5: The Return—Bringing Your Victory Home

After facing trials and earning victories, the hero returns home transformed. They’ve conquered the impossible and now share their hard-won wisdom with others. For you, completing this big task is more than just checking a box—it’s proof of your strength, resilience, and power as a survivor and thriver.

  • What to do: Minimize distractions and stay focused. As you near the finish line, it’s time to block out the noise and focus on your final steps.
  • Action Step: Turn off notifications, create a peaceful space, and dedicate your time to finishing strong. You’re almost there, and this is where you show the world what you’re made of.

When you complete your task, you’re not just achieving a goal—you’re proving, once again, that you can conquer anything that comes your way.

Conclusion: Embrace Your Hero’s Journey
You’ve already fought some of the toughest battles imaginable. This next challenge—whether it’s rebuilding your life, tackling a new project, or pursuing a dream—is just another step on your journey as a breast cancer survivor and thriver. By breaking down big tasks, committing to focused time, celebrating your wins, and eliminating distractions, you’ll complete this journey with the same grace, power, and resilience you’ve shown before.

Final Action Step: Remember, you’re the hero of this story. Choose one of these strategies today and take that first step. Whether it’s breaking your task into chunks, blocking time, or celebrating small victories, each move brings you closer to the hero you’re destined to become.

You’ve already proven your strength—you’ve got this. Keep going, warrior.