Mindful Resilience 

Tools for Post-Breast Cancer Wellness Blog

Breathe Your Way to Calm through Breast Cancer: How Paced Breathing Can Transform Your Anxiety

relaxing breating techniques Aug 21, 2024

Let’s talk about something we all face at some point: anxiety. When I was first diagnosed with breast cancer, anxiety became an almost constant companion. My breath was shallow and inconsistent -- sometimes, I wasn’t even breathing properly at all. Without realizing it, I was holding my breath—caught in a cycle of fear and worry. It was like my body hit the pause button on normal breathing, and all I could focus on was the uncertainty of what was ahead. Sound familiar?

But here’s the thing: after nearly two years of living in that freeze-fight-flight mode after diagnosis, I discovered a tool that completely shifted how I handled anxiety. And it wasn’t complicated. It was as simple as being mindful of how I was breathing—something I like to call “paced breathing.”

Now, this isn’t your everyday, quick-breath-in, quick-breath-out type of breathing. Paced breathing is all about being intentional and slowing things down. It’s about giving your body the signal to calm down, to breathe deeply and fully, and to create a space where you can start to manage that anxiety, rather than letting it manage you.

Why Paced Breathing Is a Game-Changer

Here’s why I love paced breathing: it’s easy to do, it’s incredibly effective, and the benefits? Let’s just say they’re pretty amazing.

  1. Cool Down Those Hot Flashes: If you’re dealing with hot flashes from breast cancer treatment, paced breathing can help. It works by calming your autonomic nervous system, which helps regulate body temperature. So, you’ll not only feel cooler, but you’ll also feel more in control.

  2. Ease Anxiety: We’ve all had those moments where anxiety makes it hard to breathe. Paced breathing is your go-to for calming down that response. It’s like telling your body, “We’ve got this,” and giving yourself the space to breathe through the anxiety.

  3. Lift Your Mood: Need a pick-me-up? Paced breathing delivers more oxygen to your brain, which can boost your energy and your mood. It’s like giving your mind a little nudge to get back into a positive space.

  4. Manage Stress: Life throws a lot at us, but how we respond is key. Paced breathing helps keep stress in check, so you’re not just reacting to every little thing that comes your way. It’s about creating a buffer between you and those stressors, giving you a bit of breathing room—literally!

  5. Handle Pain Better: Whether it’s from an injury, surgery, or just everyday aches, paced breathing helps you cope with pain. It’s a simple way to distract yourself and help your body relax, making the pain feel more manageable.

  6. Sleep Soundly: Struggling to fall asleep or stay asleep? Paced breathing can help you drift off faster and sleep more soundly through the night. No more tossing and turning—just good, restful sleep.

  7. Speed Up Healing: If you’re recovering from surgery or an injury, paced breathing can actually help speed up the healing process. It’s like giving your body the extra support it needs to bounce back.

  8. Boost Your Immune System: The quality of your breathing can strengthen your immune system, helping you fend off colds and other illnesses. It’s a simple way to keep yourself healthier, just by paying attention to your breath.

How to Get Started with Paced Breathing

Ready to give it a try? Here’s how you can start incorporating paced breathing into your routine:

  1. Understand Your Body’s Response: When you’re stressed, your adrenaline kicks in, making your breath shallow. Paced breathing helps shift that response, encouraging your body to relax and breathe more deeply.

  2. Take It Slow: Aim to slow your breathing down to about 5 to 8 breaths per minute. It might feel a little strange at first, but stick with it. You’ll start to notice the benefits pretty quickly.

  3. Breathe Deeply: Focus on breathing in through your nose, filling your lungs from your diaphragm up. With each breath, go a little deeper, feeling the calming effects as you do.

  4. Exhale Fully: Don’t rush through this part. Let all the air out slowly, matching the length of your exhale to your inhale. This balance is key to achieving that sense of calm.

  5. Practice Daily: Consistency is key, so aim for two short sessions a day. Just 5 to 15 minutes each time is all it takes. You’ll be amazed at how much of a difference this simple practice can make.

  6. Stay Focused: If your mind starts to wander, use a focal point to bring your attention back to your breath. Whether it’s counting your breaths or repeating a calming word, find what works best for you.

  7. Keep Learning: Paced breathing is just the beginning. Once you’ve got it down, you can explore other breathing techniques, yoga, or meditation. There’s a whole world of ways to enhance your breathing practice and your well-being.

Paced breathing is one of those small, simple habits that can lead to big changes in how you feel every day. It’s an easy tool to keep in your back pocket, ready to use whenever you need a little extra calm. So, start today and let every breath you take move you closer to feeling your best—no matter what life throws your way.