Get EXCLUSIVE ACCESS to the 5-day email challenge that guides you through simple daily actions to relax, love yourself, and take simple steps that, over time, to leverage your struggles to build a beautiful life you love!
What's Next For Me After Breast Cancer?
The 5-Day Challenge!
Create A Personalized Blueprint To
Create A Life You Love in JUST 5 Days!
If you want to create the life you enjoy - with greater energy, confidence, and clarity to do the things you love, you won't want to miss out on this exclusive FREE challenge (Value: $495)! Simple.
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After the breast cancer, I felt too tired and distracted to re-imagine a better future.
By the time you finish this5-day challenge, you'll have designed your blueprint that transforms your life and creates impact and gives you the freedom and time to do more of what you love! Honestly, I thought there was no way I could get my pre-cancer momentum back to do the things that only others without my diagnosis and treatment could do! But after doing the research and helping other women through their traumatic journeys, I now can share it with you!
If you're tired of the emotional struggles, fear, and uncertainty, and you know deep down you can't continue this way...
This What's Next Challenge isn't like all the others you have tried....
It's a process that transforms the wisdom you gained from your breast cancer journey into quest to TRANSFORM you ...
From an exhausted & overwhelmed SURVIVOR
(tired of stress, fear and uncertainty that stops you) to a
Step by Step, Take Back Your Life
Linda Dyson helps you to transform the wisdom of your breast cancer journey into a quest to rediscover your capacity for greater purpose, aspiration, joy and hope as you move forward from just a survivor to a THRIVER!
Here's what we cover in 5-Days:
Day 1 - Writing Compelling Facebook Ads Copy & Designing Images
As you take small steps each day for 5-days, you get:
- a Life Your Love Blueprint with practical steps to create a life your want.
- What's Next? Resilience Exercises to build daily habits to break the cycle of stress, emotional pain, and anxiety and grow in Self-Compassion & Strength
- Greater self-understanding & clarity, so you can begin living a life you love harmony with yourself.
You are no longer alone with uncertainty when you learn how to approach your journey in a fundamentally different way.
Does any of this apply to you?
You want to rediscover your capacity for greater aspiration, joy and hope as you move forward from just a breast cancer "survivor" to a THRIVER!
You don't want to look back on your life 10 years from now in regret because you did not follow your heart and awaken to a new beginning and live your true potential.
You wish you had an easy, practical, step-by-step practice to get past the pain of your breast cancer journey so you can take the wisdom of that journey to create a transformational life.
Your biggest fear is to be in the exact place, feeling the exact same way next year, 2 years or even 5 years from now - feeling exhaustion, sadness, depressed about the time lost to cancer, helpless, and hopeless - de-energized and depleted.
You feel that your life was derailed by the trauma of the cancer journey, grief over my body and the pain discomfort you still feel.
You've been through so many appointments, tests, decisions about treatment that now you feel exhausted with a what's next feeling.
Maybe without the regular medical appointments and touch points, you don't feel supported or understood anymore. It's like being lost on a deserted island, feeling alone with no escape. And even if you could escape, the destination unknown! At least with cancer you knew your goal - to get better. But now, the destination is unclear.
Maybe you're wondering if you can create a Life You Love after breast cancer...
Because you feel so tired, like you've been sleepwalking through appointments, the financial stresses, and worry - on top of your To-Dos. Or maybe, thinking of the future is frankly too overwhelming and all of the what ifs come up: What if there is a recurrence later; What if I don't have the energy, motivation, and strength to do what matters most to me, and I don't know how to get back into life.
Consider this instead...
What if you could redesign your life, using the wisdom and the lessons from your breast cancer journey to honor your values, set healthy boundaries, focus on what's most important - and delete or delegate the rest?
You now have this opportunity to pause and set a new direction:
To simply live a life of meaning and impact with greater ease and focus than you ever thought possible - before breast cancer. It is an invitation to accept this gift hidden inside the challenging journey: to know what you want and go after it with deep wisdom, reflection and knowing with the help of a fellow breast cancer survivor, professional coach and support group leader who understands you.
And where could your life be if these were your stories, too?

Nothing could've prepped me for the shocking journey of battling breast cancer, from the diagnosis, surgery, chemo, radiation & reconstruction surgeries, the financial strain, effects on my husband and kids, not to mention the pain and body image issues. I'm so grateful for taking the challenge. It's the only thing that is preparing me for a life after cancer! I am no longer afraid of setting new goals for my life. Thanks, Linda Dyson!!!! - P.J

The last two years were the worst time in my life. The side effects were bad but the emotional ups and downs that go along with fighting BC were a major problem that kept me frozen. Linda helped me to accept my journey, see that all those feelings of sadness, fear and self-doubt were normal, but that I did not have to stay feeling that way. I feel more relaxed and much better about me! Plus, now I have a blueprint to turn things around. - R.B.

After I rang the bell, I thought okay, now what? So when I saw this challenge I knew I had to give it a go so I could stop the battle inside of my head! By accepting and committing to a new future, I got rid of the resistance. and clearly envision where I want to be and what I want to do. The steps were easy and practical so I can truly love and appreciate myself - and finally move forward while creating new habits to heal from the inside out. - S.M.
A very different before and after...
Before this Challenge:
Pretended, giving the impression that everything was in control and the image that everything was okay - even though you felt tired & scared, vulnerable and confused about the future.
Felt guilty, always telling yourself that someone else has it worse than you, invalidating your own emotions and needs.
After this Challenge:
Energized & aligned with your highest purpose, and your acceptance, commitment and focus are transformed into meaning, abundance and beauty.
Received wisdom of journey, the more you feel in the flow, grow in healthy self-esteem, and feel greater joy and prosperity.

Acknowledge All You've Been Through
You are absolutely amazing!
You will learn ways to acknowledge yourself for how far you've come and how much you have grown since your initial diagnosis.
KEY OUTCOME: You will learn to love & appreciate yourself for all the ways you navigated this journey with stress-relieving tools to reframe and celebrate where you are today!

Rethink & Reset:
Create A New Intention for Your Life
So much has changed, so it's time to imagine a better future that honors your higher purpose, and gives you greater meaning, abundance and impact every day.
KEY OUTCOME: You will get honest & gain clarity about: Who will you become? What matters most to you now? What needs to be deleted from or added to your life?

Re-Align & Create Transformation
Now's the time to uncover the thoughts, feelings, and behaviors of your limiting "old self" who holds you back from your higher purpose & goals. You will build new more resourceful thoughts that support the New You and Your New Aspirations.
KEY OUTCOME: You'll discover the Quest for Success Pillars for greater levels of impact, meaning and joy - when you do the work!

Make A Commitment To Total Transformation
Finally, you learn how to commit to a transformative life of your own design!
You understand the key decisions you need to make, the energizing,, new roles you'd love to take on, and the actions your heart is calling you to take!
KEY DELIVERABLE: Personalized Quest for Success Blueprint for a transformational future, starting now
Through the Fast, But Powerful A.C.T. Framework
You will learn that as you can accept the journey that you have been on, and the unique feelings of loss, discomfort, or the physical and emotional trauma you've experienced, you will be free to live a powerful life that meets your personal needs. You no longer need to be totally defined by your diagnosis and treatment history, so you can take back control of your life and aspire to be what you were born to be!
You have a choice...
Stay Frozen On The Sidelines, OR
Choose To Take 5-Days of Transformative Actions In The Direction of New Dreams!
It's not too late to have the life you deserve on the other side of cancer, starting now!

Linda is angel. She has helped me to create strategies to pursue my online coaching business! She supports me like no one else has to go after my dreams!

I would have be happy to pay thousands of dollars for Linda's coaching. It's worth 10x what she charged. She helped me get real results.

I love working with her every week. I never miss a session because it is just that powerful and important for me to continue to grow and make a huge impact in the world.

FAQ's About The 5-Day Challenge
Who is the challenge designed for?
Since it's FREE, how good can this challenge truly be?
When does this challenge start?
How much time do I need to invest in this? I am already busy, exhausted, and cannot take on much more!
What if I miss a day (or two) of the challenge and get behind??
Is this the right time for me to take on this challenge?
Everything has changed after breast cancer, and there's no getting your life "back to normal".
The old normal does not exist: maybe you've changed.
And that's a great thing, because chances are you know deep down that there were parts of your-pre-cancer-life that just weren't working.
Take the Challenge and get ready to restart, grow & thrive.
This is your chance to live without limits!
What's Next After Breast Cancer Challenge
Free 5 Day Challenge
And if you're not living a life you absolutely love, then you're likely missing what you are going to learn in this challenge.
You'll get overcome 3 hidden obstacles when it comes to building a better future.